Ciao Italofili, Come state? noi siamo riemersi dalle acque. We re-emerged from the waters. Of a week - or was it two? - of heavy rains. Tropical rains, everyone says, as they come in the afternoon, flood the city, and then leave the place to a splendid sun.
But the city is not equipped for that magnitude of water, or well, by all accounts, the storm drains are rarely - never - cleaned, so debris accumulates and tadà! we have this:
After calling the traffic police, the city offices, etc., people simply began providing for themselves. The choice was some elbow work or the houses, but most probably, business premises flooded.
The show in Villa Ada, though, was amazing: a lake formed in the middle of what we call "pratone", the big lawn.
To my great delight, a couple of my aperitivi under the canopy of the park's bar had a peculiar scenery. And if it weren't for the lightning and cold, I would've gladly showered like I used to as a toddler.
And walking was tricky every now and then. Forcing us to cross ponds hopping from one leaf to the other.
According to weather forecasts, the wet season is over, and dramatic (of course: otherwise, there wouldn't be big news for alarming and fishing people's attention) heat waves are on their way.
But today, I want to share a tradition, or ritual, that I've cherished since my last adventure in Venice: the Rasentin. I'll leave the word to myself when writing about it in Venice's Simposio:
"She had a bottle of Grappa in her hand and taught us about the Rasentin. When they've sipped their coffee, Venetians "clean" the still hot cup - the word "rasentin" in the local dialect translates into rinse - by pouring in a few gulps of Grappa.
They swirl well to capture any leftover liquid and bring to life a new, smokey, rich in aromas released by the heat warm drink. Does it really aid digestion, or is it an excuse? Whatever the truth, don't miss giving this ritual a try."
And for those wondering, here's the cracking ceiling of our B&B - the nice one.
And a pic of the "rio" our window overlooked:
That's it for this week, lovely people. Have a lazy Sunday full of beautiful memories and a bit of sweet nostalgia!
the Italian prosciutto and melon appetizer
In this post, you'll find the Italian prosciutto and melon appetizer recipe, a little mention of Italian Summer eating habits, ad a twist to the classic dish.
Venice's Simposio: a unique travel cookbook
Opulence. Dream. Crowds. Chaos. Pride. These are the words of Venice. Rice. Raisins. Onions. Polenta. These are the ingredients of Venice. Gold. Burgundy. Pastels. Ochre. Intense Greens. These are the colors of Venice.
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