Torino’s Simposio: the gallery
Here, you will find all the extra content related to Torino’s Simposio: pictures, curiosities, anecdotes, and more!
Choose between two Piedmontese artists, both amazing, both perfect for a Turinese home dinner or background music for your solo Vermouth moment. Spotify links!
Paolo Conte, by the way, his concert at Turin’s Venaria is worth a place of honor in your jazzy vynil collection! (here’s the Amazon affiliate link).
Giorgio Conte, Paolo’s brother, wrote one of my favorite songs on my Wine & Vynils playlist: Gnè Gnè.
If you like ska music, don’t miss the Statuto – named after one of the city’s main piazzas!
Lidia Poët
Her portrait:
Image Credit:
Watch the “romanticized” Netflix show:
Image Credit:
Turin’s Fashion
Lady Dresses from the Corriere Delle Dame (1800s Italian Fashion Magazine)
Image Credit: Wikimedia
Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca with his Borsalino hat
Image Credit: Wikimedia
Persol’s iconic Protectors
Image Credit:
Persol’s 649 for Torino’s tram drivers
Image Credit:
Count Cavour
A face to the story
Image Credit: Wikimedia
Fancy up your Vermouth experience: light up your citrus zest! See how in this YouTube video (minute 5.20).
Vintage Vermouth Ads!
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Italian Futurists
credit: Wikimedia Commons
Torino’s Santopalato
Fillia (Luigi Colombo), Mistero Aereo
credit: Sailko, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
credit: Britannica Kids, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
credit: Wikimedia Commons
Zang Tumb Tumb
credit: Talmoryair at Hebrew Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Italian Futurists
credit: Wikimedia Commons

the “clock” at Caffè Mulassano
Italian Pride
The Turinese neurologist Rita Levi Montalcini won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1986.
A quote:
“Meglio aggiungere la vita ai giorni che non i giorni alla vita”, Rita Levi Montalcini
“Better to add life to days than days to life”, Rita Levi Montalcini
If you’re planning a visit and are looking for a guide, I highly recommend Guide Borgianen!
When I won our family Fanta-Masterchef, I had no doubt what my prize would be: a tasting box born from the collaboration of a Turinese chocolatier and a Vermouth historic maker! You can order yours here!
The beautiful card that accompanied it represents the imaginary Gianduja tree, a hybrid of cocoa and hazelnut trees.