An unconfessable sinful Fior di Lattte gelato serving idea!

gelato serving idea_fiordilatte cups with dulce de leche and pancetta flakes

This is the greatest way I’ve ever served gelato!

I was thinking of a nice gelato serving idea for a romantic dinner, and, as very often happens in my kitchen, I used what I had in the pantry and the fridge: condensed milk, pancetta and a liquor.

I made mini cups… because we are talking of fats, and fats, and fats… creamy, delicious fats. Crispy, seductive fats.


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Glazed Pancetta & Dulce De Leche Gelato Cups | the we need ice project by gourmet project
Glazed Pancetta & Dulce De Leche Gelato Cups | the we need ice project by gourmet project

dulce de leche icecream cups with glazed pancetta

Course Dessert
Cuisine fusion
Servings 4
Author Claudia Rinaldi | Gourmet Project


for the dulce the leche:

  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 pinch salt

for the glazed pancetta:

  • 2 oz thinly sliced pancetta 60 gr
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1,3 tablespoons Cointreau
  • 3 cups fior di latte gelato or vanilla ice cream 300-400 gr


  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C.

  2. Place the milk, sugar and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Bring to a boil, lower the heat and cook, stirring occasionally. Wait until it gets so creamy that, by passing a wood spoon on the bottom of the pot, it will leave a clean trace.

  3. Let chill for 5 minutes and pour the cream in mini cups. (I used silicon baking cups). Refrigerate for at least a couple of hours.

  4. Heat the Cointreau in a pot and dissolve the sugar in it. Brush the syrup on both sides of the pancetta slices and place them on an oven sheet with parchment paper. Keep the remaining syrup for later.

  5. Bake the pancetta slices in the oven for about 5 minutes: you need them golden brown. Remove and wait until they chill.

  6. Crumble the pancetta with your hands, a mortar, or scissors.

  7. Time to assembly: take the dulce de leche cups from the fridge.
  8. Place a scoop of gelato in each cup. Sprinkle it with the glazed pancetta crumbles. Finally, season with a few drops of the Cointreau syrup.

  9. Serve immediately.

Enjoy your gelato and share it with the ones you love!
