Ciao! Today I am sharing eggs en cocotte cooked in a jar, seasoned with tequila vinaigrette, and ready for heavy dipping!

eggs en cocotte by gourmet project
eggs en cocotte by gourmet project


The eggs en cocotte recipe was inspired by Mimi Thorrisson. She did Eggs en cocotte with asparagus and Jura wine butter vinaigrette, and I made Eggs en cocotte with tequila, turmeric & mint vinaigrette.


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eggs en cocotte by gourmet project
eggs en cocotte by gourmet project
eggs en cocotte by gourmet project
Eggs en cocotte, cooked in a jar, with asparagus and heavy cream
Eggs en cocotte, cooked in a jar, with asparagus and heavy cream
Eggs en cocotte, cooked in a jar, with asparagus and heavy cream

eggs en cocotte with asparagus

Course main
Cuisine French
Servings 1 for each jar
Author Claudia Rinaldi



  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons crème fraiche
  • 4-5 asparagus
  • 1 pinch pink salt
  • 1 pinch black pepper
  • A jar + lid


  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon tequila
  • 2-3 sprigs of mint
  • ½ lime juiced
  • ½ teaspoon fresh chives finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • salt


  1. Clean the asparagus and trim off the tips. I steamed the remaining edible parts and served them as a healthy-side-dish.
  2. Place the crème fraiche on the bottom of the jar. Add the eggs and the asparagus. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and close the jar.
  3. Place all the jars in a large pot, fill it with water, 2 to 3 inches, cover and bring to a boil. Cook over medium heat for 7-9 minutes, until you see the white almost firm.

  4. Meanwhile, prepare the vinaigrette: place the olive oil and mint in a small pot. Heat for less than a minute, enough to make mint leaves relieve their aroma (don’t boil!). Transfer to a small bowl or jar, add the other ingredients, mix, salt to taste and set aside.

  5. When the eggs are ready, serve them hot, inside the jars. Season them with the tequila vinaigrette and serve with a hot French baguette for deep dipping in the creamy yolk.