Pasta with burrata cheese and cherry tomatoes is an easy and quick Italian recipe. It is a fresh, simple, and sinful dish for hot Summer nights. Gather friends or family around a table and offer them this pasta topped with creamy burrata. Celebrate your tastebuds, their company, and your love for Italy!

how to make pasta with burrata

how to make pasta with burrata cheese and cherry tomatoes

Making pasta with burrata is easy and quick. You just need to pay a little attention to the moment you add burrata: you want to melt it, not cook it, or you risk losing the flavor.
Of course, look for a quality burrata from Puglia, and enhance its flavor with fresh basil and cherry tomatoes. This means you better wait for Summer when they are in season and delicious.

From the Italian Colors Newsletter: “…This week, back home, we’ve been eating nothing but all the goodies we brought home: burrata, olive oil friselle (Puglia rusks), eggplants, pagnottelle tarantine – milder, and delicious cucumbers that grow in Taranto’s countryside -, and Martina Franca’s barattieri, something between a cucumber and a green melon.”


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pasta with burrata and cherry tomatoes recipe

what pasta to top with burrata

I believe spaghetti is the best pasta to top with burrata, followed by linguine. The cream formed by the melted cheese and the juicy tomatoes is dense and needs a smooth, dry pasta. Otherwise, with fresh pasta, for example, you might get a clotty mass of food where burrata, pasta, and tomatoes are hard to distinguish.

pasta with burrata cheese recipe



Italian pasta with burrata and cherry tomatoes

Simple and quick Italian pasta with cherry tomato sauce, melted burrata, and basil.

Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 2
Calories 472 kcal
Author Claudia Rinaldi


  • 1 burrata of approximately 3.5 oz or 100 gr
  • 5.6 oz spaghetti - or other long shape pasta like linguini - 160 gr
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 handfuls cherry tomatoes
  • 4 basil leaves
  • salt


  1. With the blade of a large knife flat on it, crush the garlic clove by pressing your heel - no need to peel it.
  2. Bring a big pot of salted water to a boil - about two liters (half a gallon) and one tablespoon of salt.
  3. Heat a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a large pan, add the garlic clove and brown it for a couple of minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, cut the cherry tomatoes in two.
  5. Remove the garlic, add the tomatoes, sprinkle with a pinch of salt, cover, and cook until mashed and juicy - ten to fifteen minutes over medium/low heat.
  6. Add a few fresh basil leaves cut with your hands to the tomatoes.
  7. Cook the pasta according to the package directions.
  8. Cut the burrata into small pieces.
  9. Drain the pasta and add it to the pan. Add the cheese and the remaining basil as well. Turn on the heat to high, and mix until well amalgamated and the cheese has almost melted. Don't overcook!
  10. Serve immediately.

Enjoy your pasta with burrata!
