Here are some homemade, foodie Christmas gifts ideas for coworkers, friends, or family.


There’s something seductively primitive in homemade Christmas gifts. You are not only offering your credit card to the salesperson, but you are also spending your precious time in the kitchen to feed the ones you love.

That’s it: simple, direct, instinctive.

You used your senses: smelled the ingredients, touched them, observed them, tasted them. There is a part of you in all the homemade gifts you give: your hands, heart, thoughts, and of course, your RECIPE.

It may not be the main gift; it may just be a cadeaux for your guests or the prize for your Christmas Games. But, trust me, it will surely be APPRECIATED.

Here are my treasured recipes for your inspiration! Click on the pictures to get to the recipes!

hot chocolate mix in a jar - homemade Christmas gifts

Gingerbread Hot Chocolate Mix

mulled wine mix in a decorated jar

Vin brulè, Italian Mulled Wine mix


spices for the Christmas simmering pot

Christmas spices Simmer Pot

four bottles of flavored olive oil - homemade Christmas gifts

Infused Olive Oils

Enjoy giving your homemade gifts!
